Static vs Dynamic Characters

Static vs Dynamic Characters: Key Differences Every Writer Needs to Know!

It is important to know about static vs dynamic characters. This helps in writing stories that attract readers. In the story the static characters don’t change. This helps in offering reliability. They also frequently act as alternatives to dynamic characters. Their experience brings great growth or change. These shifts in behaviours, opinions or ideas give the stories greater depth.

Dynamic and Static characters are different from each other. Balancing both types also provides a personal impact. It also highlights the development of dynamic ones. These writers are able to create stories that feel realistic and attractive. This increases the impact of themes and ideas of stories.

What is a Static Character?

A character that remains the same across the story. This retains the same motivation, opinions and characteristics. This no matter the events that happen, is said to be static. These characters operate as opposition to changing personalities. It also highlights their growth and also provides story constancy. These characters highlight the themes of stories. This enhances and impacts the change of dynamic characters.

Tom Buchanan in F. Scott Fitzgreald’ The Great Gatsby is the great example of static character. The static character in Gatsby includes Tom. Tom is still egoistic, arrogant and unethical no matter the disaster and drama around him. His steady behaviour draws attention to the character development of Nick and Gatsby. As a static character Tom highlights the themes of ethical decrease and social absence. This stands in strong opposition to the hopes and failures of characters.

What is a Dynamic Character?

A dynamic character experiences great internal change due to the main struggle of the story. These changes are shown in their vision, behaviour and morals. It also works on continuously reflecting the difficulties that they face. Characters that are dynamic are important for deep emotions of the story. This is because their development reflects how people grow and learn about themselves. A great storyline is offered by their journey. This draws the readers in and highlights the importance of events in the book.

The strange lead character of The Great Gatsby is Jay Gatsby. Jay Gatsby’s character type is dynamic. This raises a question that is gatsby dynamic. Well, It has frequently been considered to be either dynamic or static. Although the continuous focus on Daisy doesn’t change. The only thing that has changed is his opinion of himself. His unhappiness with his dream and realisation of its impossibility betray many emotions. His journey highlights the themes of determination, belief and reality of American life. His complexity is revealed by this change. This results in making him a great dynamic character.

Major Differences Between Dynamic and Static Characters:

Goal in Storytelling:

Stability in the story is greatly dependent on its static characters. They highlight the development of dynamic characters by staying unchanged. This is done by acting as their opposites. To support the message of the story, static characters work. They help in representing the unique general elements. This is done without going through personal growth. The emotional center of the story is due to its lively characters. They drive the story ahead. The impact of challenges and incidents that they face is seen in their changes. This makes for a realistic and engaging story.

Growth and Progress

There are fixed personalities, views and motivations of static characters. These characteristics don’t change in the story. There is no growth and change no matter what is happening. Dynamic characters on the other hand experience great internal change. This is as a result of the main struggle in the story. These changes involve improvements to their opinions, beliefs or goals. These are important for progressing the story and they give a greater depth to the story. The experience is enhanced by the difference between static character and dynamic character.


Static Characters might be complicated or simple while they don’t change. In the absence of a growth these characters may be seen in their deep personality. While dynamic characters are always complex in nature. They have multiple sides and are approachable. This is due to their changing charges, motives and views. Due to their complexity the readers are able to connect with development. This enhances their story and increases the impact of their experiences.

Emotional Connectivity

The ideas of the story are supported by the constant involvement of static characters. They give the story a feeling of consistency. Their regularity could support important emotional beats. This is done highlighting the changes of other characters. While the readers are more emotionally invested in dynamic characters. They reflect events of real-life as their challenges and growth are relatable. The lasting emotional impression is given by the dynamic characters on readers. This is done after the story is complete by overcoming challenges. This changes throughout the story.

Events from the Great Gatsby

Daisy and Tom Bunchanan are two great examples of static characters in the Great Gatsby. Their lack of values and arrogance never change. This highlights the powerful immobility of the class. However, Jay Gatsby and Nick Carrway are the dynamic characters. The value growth of Nick and slow frustration of Gatsby shows their interior development. The dynamic characters are essential to the emotional depth and ideas of stories. This also highlights the study of goal, belief and social decline. This is a big difference between dynamic characters and static characters.

Static Characters in the Great Gatsby

A number of characters in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald doesn’t change. This highlights themes of disappointment and the unchanging nature of social structures. Being unable to decide between Tom and Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan represents this immobility. It also displays her weak and uncertain nature. Her steady interest differs with the goals of other characters. It also highlights the empty nature of the upper class.

Static characters also include Myrtle Wilson and Tom Bunchanan. Tom is the opposite of Gatsby’s optimism. This is because of his shameless pride and declining value. Myrtle’s continuous goal for luxury puts her in a cycle of desire and goals. This eventually brings about her terrible ending. The focus of the book on social decline and value of dreams under a tough social system. This is highlighted by the unchanging natures of characters.

Dynamic Characters in the Great Gatsby

Jay Gatsby divides itself as a dynamic character. This is in comparison to the Great Gatsby’s static cast. His actions are driven by his love for Daisy, Gatsby suffers an extensive internal change. A great change in his position occurs. This was when he realises that his enhanced vision of Daisy is unachievable. This development gives his terrible journey more emotional depth. It also draws attention to his internal conflict.

A dynamic character is also shown by Nick Carraway. Nick draws attention to the luxury of the coastal class at first. This is because he is careless and innocent. He grows more frustrated with their declining value and lack of depth. He greatly decides to move back to the Midwest as a result of this change in opinion.

Also check, “Main Character vs Protagonist


You are able to improve your storytelling by knowing how to balance dynamic static characters. The opposition is required by static characters to highlight the evolution. On the other hand, dynamic characters attract readers with their development. You can enhance your story by understanding these character types. This helps no matter if you are writing a new book or an old classic like The Great Gatsby.

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